Who Can Attend?
Anyone can attend the Reunion as long as they fulfill the following criteria:
All attendees are required to pre-register and be pre-screened. Everyone must be registered to a contingent and have a medical form on them.
Have completed Wood Badge Part 2 training in any section or service role.***
Be a registered member of Scouts Canada, BP Guild 1 or BSA.
Attendees who are no longer active members of Scouting, can attend as Non Active Scouting Members but additional screening forms are required *see registration*, you are unable to spend the night on the property (See suggestions of where to stay under Camping) and are to stay in sight of registered Scouters.
***Those who are working towards their Woodbage Part II through the mentoring system, are welcome to attend with a contingent.
Gilwellians can register for the Reunion by:
1. Register and attend as a member of a Contingent.
The Contingent pre-registration form must be received by June 28, 2024 to guarantee that your Contingent has a place on the field. Contact your Area Commissioner or the Deputy Area Commissioner - Training if you are not certain about which Contingent you might register with. (Woodbadge Part I participants must attend with a contingent.)
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