




 email: elections@ontgilwell.scouter.ca


Have you ever wondered “What would it be like to help plan a Reunion? 

Here's your chance!!


This year, 3 members will be leaving the Reunion committee. 

We need Gilwellians to step forward to commit to fill these positions for the next 3 years for July 5, 2024.

You do not need a large contingent to support a candidate, a small group can get lots of assistance from your fellow Gilwellians.

The Reunion Committee meets 3 or 4 times during the year, usually near Blue Springs.  We also have e-mail contact and a committee group web site for discussions between meetings to co-ordinate plans and work on ideas.

Talk it up with your contingent.  Run a candidate.  This is YOUR Reunion. 

Submit your candidate’s name, address, e-mail, and contingent along with the name, address and e-mail of the nominator to:  elections@ontgilwell.scouter.ca

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