Camping at Ebor Park


Ebor Field is being used for tent camping on a first come – first served basis as space permits (Its a great spot to hang a hammock)

Avoid climbing the hill except for campfire!

Those who have rented a building in Ebor Park will need to follow the same protocol.

Those wishing to drop off their gear will need to:

Arrival Process:

-        For Working Contingents before noon on Thursday as the           road is closed as of noon until Friday

-        For all others from 1 pm to 11 pm Friday and Saturday                 morning after 7:30 am

        Personal vehicle access to drop off gear on Ebor Field will            be to register through Parking and obtain clearance to go to          Ebor Field

-        Once Parking has cleared you, proceed to Ebor Field (do               not drive on Field)

-       Park on gravel area as directed by Ebor Control person

-        Take gear to assigned site

-        Return vehicle to Parking for the weekend

-        Return to Ebor Field to set up your tent/camp site

Departure Process (after Closing):

-        Pack up gear and ‘police’ site for cleanliness

         (No Trace Camping)

-        Go to Parking to retrieve vehicle.

-        Re-enter Ebor through Parking process

         (same as you did on arrival).

-        Load gear


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