Once again, we will try to be in control this year (we love this stuff!) & we will endeavor to help you get “set-up” and “leave” as quickly and painlessly as possible so that everyone can spend as much time as possible enjoying the reunion.  Here are a few things you can do to help us achieve this:  

  • Please submit ACCURATE DIMENSIONS (canvas only) OF YOUR MARQUEE when registering.  If you are using a rental company, please advise them that you will only be allotted the size you originally submitted.  ALL marquees must meet CAN/ULC S-190-M “Standards for Flame Test of Flame Resistant Fabrics and Films”.  
  • TRAILERS - it is imperative that if your contingent has a trailer that needs to stay with your marquee & is outside of the dimensions of your marquee you MUST include this on your registration form (include the size of the trailer), this will allow us to allot appropriate space for the trailer.  If it is not included on your registration form the trailer will be removed & stored in the parking area for the weekend.
  • No Cook Tents are allowed. 
  • Rental Marquees: Please advise your rental company that they will only be permitted to set up marquees after 8:00 am on Thurs Sept 8th, 2022.   When booking your marquee, please be sure to include the name of the Contingent on the order.
  • Committee Contingents are permitted to set up after 5:00 pm Thursday, Sept 5, 2024. 
  • Non-working contingents may enter Blue Springs after 1:00 pm on Friday, Sept 6, 2024, but prior to this date & time they may set up sleeping tents in Blue Heron.
  • Trailers will be moved on/off Whiskin Field via the Ranger’s tractor only.  Please line up in the parking area to drive down to the loop to have your trailer moved.   
  • If you are asked by a member of the CONTROL TEAM to move your vehicle please do so immediately. 

 The Committee thanks you for your co-operation in making this Gilwell reunion fun for everyone.  

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Getting the Reunion Ready for 2025


Reunion Committee has begon setting up the Reunion for 2025.

So, the news you are all waiting for is the 2025 theme and it is “Working together the Scouting Way”.

So as in pervious years Committee is looking for talented Gilwellian designers to create a “logo theme crest” design. The design is to be in colour and up to 8 colours and size will be 3 ½ inches in “any shape”. The deadline for submissions is Jan 20th/ 2025 and to Secretary MJ at When making your submissions, please make sure that designers name and your contingents name is on the submission.

Also, please put in the subject line that it says “Reunion Logo theme crest design”.

2024 Log n Beads


We are working on getting the 2024 Complete Log n Beads up on the website, in the meantime, please see the email your contingent rep received or the Facebook page. 

2024 Registration Package


Find this year's package under "How to Register"

It has also been emailed out to all Contingent Reps

total numbers of entries : 3
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