Blue Springs Emergency Procedures

Ambulance and Fire - Calling 911

All emergencies are handled by 911 services. When placing your call please give the emergency gate number (see below) to the 911 operator. If you do not have a cell phone or cannot get a signal with your cell phone you can use the payphone under the main balcony at the rear of Ridley lodge or go to the Ranger's house to make the 911 call.

  • Main Camp Gate #1 - 14045 6th Line Nassagaweya
  • Ranger Entrance Gate #2 - 14009 6th Line Nassagaweya
  • Camp Blue Heron Gate #3 - 14014 6th Line Nassagaweya
  • Ebor Park Gate #4 - 14175 6th Line Nassagaweya

Please send someone to meet the ambulance or fire truck at the gate so they are able to find you quickly.

Please notify the camp ranger or warden on duty that an ambulance has been called.

Fire protection systems that are in the lodges do not automatically communicate alarms to the fire department. You must call 911 in the event of a fire.

The designated group fire leader should evacuate the building and proceed to the evacuation location posted in the building and listed in the fire information you received at check in. Account for all participants. All groups will be notified by the ranger or warden on duty when it is safe to return to buildings.

In all other areas of the camp that do not have fire protection systems such as camping areas and pavilions please follow the same evacuation and emergency procedures. Inform neighboring campsites if possible without risk. Do not return to the area for any reason.

Missing Persons

All missing persons should be reported to the Camp Ranger or warden on duty after 15 minutes has passed. Please be prepared to give a brief description of the missing person, clothing worn and last known location. If they are unable to be located quickly the Halton Regional Police will be called.


If you wish more Emergency Information, please reach out to the committee. 

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